Fall 2014
Annotated Transcipt
Below are descriptions of classes I completed as part of the MAET program at Michigan State University.
Instructor: McCarthy
In this course, I learned the importance of creating an online professional learning network, leveraging digital tools in order to “Get Things Done.” I also experienced “failure as learning” first hand while learning how to utilize online forums and videos to complete a network learning project. Lastly, I created a template for designing a 21st Century Lesson Plan.
Spring 2015
Instructor: Pietrowski & Wever
Acquiring and applying knowledge of Universal Design for Learning, and design theory to design solutions to enhance learning was both challenging and fun. CEP 811 course also allowed me to take part in the “The Maker Movement” and create a technology infused data wall. I designed a MOOC that instructed teachers on how to utilize valuable technologies in their classrooms. Overall, these experiences helped me construct a better understand myself as a learner.
Instructor: Gallagher & Sweeney
During CEP 812 I was encouraged to explore my passion for teaching and developed a desire to understand what future initiatives I could experiment with in my own classroom. To get a feel for what was out there, I diversified my information diet. I discovered Google Docs and MinecraftEdu and become part of online affinity spaces to learn how video games could be used in my classroom.
Summer 2015
Instructor: Richardson
CEP 800 focused on “action research” and how to meaningfully reflect on what the work I've done in the past and also in the present. I used data and surveys to make informed decisions. I placed myself in the shoes of learners while using technology tools and designing lessons. At the end of the course, I had created a lesson plan that was the product of numerous revisions and designed through the TPACK lens.
Fall 2015
Instructor: Zhang & Lei
In CEP822 I conducted research and compare different types of articles on a problem of practice of my choice. The topic I chose to look at through the eyes of a researcher was the effectiveness of 1:1 Laptop initiatives in schools. I found that there are many variables that need to be considered in order for a 1:1 initiative be impactful.
Spring 2016
Instructor: Boltz & Heintz
Using technology to support learning is part of learning in the 21st century. This course introduced the different types of online learning models and best practice for individuals who are teaching online. We also evaluated a variety of Content Management Systems (CMS) and designed content for them. Overall, this course allowed my understanding and expertise for teaching students online to broaden and evolve to a much higher level.
Instructor: Mishra
This course required me to design something using the Stanford Design Method. Using this method, I designed by empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing solutions. For me, the struggle in this class was giving each step its due diligence and not jumping to a conclusion that seemed obvious or was best suited to my needs. This course has changed the way that I look at things at both work and in my personal life.
Summer 2016
Instructor: Gleason & Yadav
In this course I explored the role of leaders, how to become a leader, and developed a mission statement. Through several assignments, I was able to learn the value of working collaboratively and constructed an understanding of my own personal strengths and weaknesses that I need to work on in order to become a leader. Ultimately, I walked away from this course with a better understanding of leadership as a whole and a vision of how I can contribute more in my own work setting.
Instructor: Morsink & Keenan
The focus of this course was on creating and facilitating meaningful formative assessments. During this course, I realized the importance that giving feedback has on the learning process. I explored different methods for delivering assessments using 21st century technologies. This effort has led me to modernize and improve my methods of assessment and has brought new value to the process of delivering feedback to learners.
Fall 2016
The final course in my MAET Program required me to evaluate a variety of webmaker tools and collaborate with other Michigan State graduate students to design a professional portfolio website. For this project, I chose the to create my portfolio home page using Wix.com. The page that you are currently navigating is just one of many pages that I completed for this course.
Image Sources
Sparty Decal http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0150/2280/products/Front_Sparty_Car_Decal_2048x2048.png?v=1394658102
Sparty Graduation: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0150/2280/files/Sparty_Graduation_large.png?28
Sparty Photo http://throughthephog.com/files/2012/11/6122724.jpg